New mothers spend most of the time seated in a nursery chair, bed or living room couch either breastfeeding a newborn or a breast pump attached. The routine of feeding your baby or pumping milk many times both day and night to satisfy your baby’s hunger makes it necessary to create a comfortable zone to spend your time indulging in these tasks.
Identifying and creating a nursing station in a place where the special moments of the day are made comfortable, easy and efficient by keeping all necessary items required at close quarters is very essential.
Nursing station requirements:
Some of the important items required for a nursing station is a nursery chair, cleaning wipes, breast pump, burp cloths, nursing pads, extra diapers and baby wipes, nursing pillows, snacks, water, and nightlight.
Nursery chair
Choosing the correct nursery chair is very important as most of your time will be spent seated while breastfeeding or pumping.
Cleaning Wipes
Having a few packets of cleaning wipes at arm’s length is helpful when you need to wipe something clean quickly.
Burp Cloths
Burp cloths are a necessity for every breastfeeding session. These come in handy when a baby throws up and also leaking breasts.
Nursing Pads
It is a common fact that when breastfeeding on one breast, the other side is most likely to leak. When this happens most mothers prefer to use disposable or washable nursing pad to prevent their clothes being stained due to the milk dripping without restraint.
Extra Diapers and Baby Wipes
A baby’s digestive system could get stimulated while feeding and it becomes necessary to change diapers amidst a feeding session. Having extra diapers and baby wipes close to you could be very helpful.
Snacks and Water
It is believed that breastfeeding can burn 500 calories. Therefore, keep snacking often and have some of your favorite non-perishable healthy snacks at your nursing station, preferably stuff that is easy to eat and accessible with one hand. Avoid noisy packaging that might wake a baby up. Having bottles of water is also important to avoid being dehydrated while breastfeeding. Some mothers feel thirsty as soon as baby latches on and a bottle with a straw and easy to hold with one hand is recommended to make it easy to drink.
Nursing Pillows
A nursing pillow helps to prop the baby up and reduce your lower back and neck pain. Having a nursing pillow at the nursing station is an important accessory to safeguard your body.
In addition to the above, it will also be nice to have items that will help you to enjoy your feeding time. Books, reading glasses, magazines, tablet, and phone with chargers and earphones are some items that could help you while your time when your baby drifts off to sleep. Using earphones helps to avoid your baby waking up during a feeding session.
A dim nightlight or lamp is important for the middle of the night feedings. This helps to identify your work without disturbing the baby or others in the room.