Establishing a Baby Routine

Taking care of a newborn is too complicated where their basic needs include eating and sleeping coupled with lots of love and playtime (in moderation, of course). However, we often find, new parents often ask us “how do we go about setting a baby routine”? This is because trying to figure out what a baby needs at which time can be somewhat difficult to understand at first. This is even more difficult when trying to manage and understand your little one’s needs while trying to manage your own schedules. Often getting equipment such as a hospital-grade breast pump or a baby bassinet can ease some of the stress but you can always benefit from establishing a baby routine.

What is a Baby Routine?

What you are trying to establish is a routine for your baby and a pattern in which each day can pan out, from morning until bedtime. However, you should know that consistency is important so that your baby does not get confused. By setting a certain timetable for activities, your baby learns to understand that certain activities occur at a certain time. By establishing a baby routine from the start, from feeding time, bath time, or even playtime, they are able to handle things better and be less anxious making it easier for you as he or she gets older. For example, if your three-month-old baby receives a bottle-feeding after her morning nap, followed by playtime and then lunch at her high chair at the table with you, then she will know what follows next. When you have a set baby routine day in and day out, you will find more freedom for yourself too and will make it easier if you ever needed a babysitter, as there are predefined time slots for her various needs – hunger, rest and play.

How Early Can You Start?

After your baby is three to four months of age, you will start to notice a pattern forming in terms of when they want to feed, when they prefer to have their nap and sleep, and even when and how often they go pee or poop. By noting these things down at that age, you are able to kick-start your baby’s routine using his or her own cues! As they become more and more predictable, it makes it easier for parents to define their baby’s schedules accordingly.

Some also have routines for newborn, where a baby requires frequent feedings (often every two hours) to ensure a healthy weight gain. However, a newborn is not the right time to enforce a feeding or sleeping routine as they are simply too little and require more nourishment and care. When they are able to communicate better, three to four months of age, you may find that it gets easier for you and the baby. When doing so, parents should not only consider their gut feeling and common sense to decide what is best for their little, despite the intended schedule. That is even though their schedule does not say they are due for a feed or nap anytime soon, if they show signs and cues of hunger or tiredness, then you should not ignore their needs and simply adjust yourself accordingly to meet them.

If you need any assistance, such as hiring the likes of a hospital-grade breast pumps and baby bassinets, or even to help with the likes of a bedwetting treatment, speak to ILS Babycare

Author Info

Ross Wallace